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Created Nov 04, 2024
Last Updated Nov 04, 2024

System Colors

Color is a central means of communication on the T, representing different lines and modes of transportation. Occasionally a specific color will be used around a large project or event.

This color was chosen because the Green Line travels along the trees and suburban lawns of Brookline and Newton.

color-greenLine #00843d

Orange was chosen because this line previously ran along Washington Street, once known as the Orange Way.

color-orangeLine #ed8b00

The color choice was based on the Harvard Crimson, because this subway leaves from Cambridge, heading southeast to Braintree and Quincy.

color-redLine #da291c

Because this line runs along the coast, it was named for the blue of the Atlantic.

color-blueLine #003da5
color-silverLine #7c878e
color-brandBus #ffc72c
color-ferry #008eaa
color-theRide #52bbc5
color-commuterRail #80276c

Additional Colors

In addition to the colors we use across the system to represent lines and modes of travel, different initiatives and projects sometimes have a specific color assigned to them. These colors, much like the system colors, aid in quick communication and extend understanding.

A vibrant cyan created for the System-Wide Accessibility initiative.

color-swa #00b5e2
color-mbtaDark #212322

Created for use in winter advisories.

color-darkWinter #13294b

Created for use in winter advisories.

color-midWinter #147bd1